Original Oil Paintings

Wetlands and Swamps

Beauty is everywhere.  Some find it in the desert, but many find it in the swamps.

Cypress Swamp

It's dark. It's damp.  What is lurking around the base of the cypress tree?  Let's take the canoe just a little deeper through this cut.

16x20 Oil on Canvas


Bobby's Bayou



There is such a calmness felt as one looks over the meandering calm waters in an estuary. The   movement is not perceived, but is there.  

18x24 Oil on Panel


Red Sky at Night

16x20 Oil on Canvas


Chatelain Swamp

16x20 Oil on Canvas


Bayou Island

Who doesn't recall the freedom roaming to catch a crawfish near the bank, the mud oozing between one's toes, or the hopes of trying to catch a perch on a hook? I hope this painting can take you back to a more carefree time. 

16x20 Oil on Cavas


Cypress at Big Creek

The light of the moon bounces off the Spanish Moss as it sways in the breeze.  The air is thick with humidity, but the beauty of nature begs you to go paddle just a little deeper. 

11x40 Oil on Canvas


Deep In The Swamp

It's back there.  It is a little scary.  But you can't help but go on.  There is so much beauty to be seen, even if a creepy crawly awaits you.

16x20 Oil on Canvas


Debbie's Bayou

18x24 Oil on Canvas
